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% Dartboard. % Author: Roberto Bonvallet% Under Creative Commons attribution license. \documentclass[dvipsnames]{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[pdftex,active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \usepackage{mathpazo} \tikzstyle{wired}=[draw=gray!30, line width=0.15mm] \tikzstyle{number}=[anchor=center, color=white] % Sectors are numbered 0-19 counterclockwise from the top. % \strip{color}{sector}{outer_radius}{inner_radius} \newcommand{\strip}[4]{ \filldraw[#1, wired] ({18 * #2} : #3) arc ({18 * #2} : {18 * (#2 + 1)} : #3) -- ({18 * (#2 + 1)} : #4) arc ({18 * (#2 + 1)} : {18 * #2} : #4) -- cycle; } % \sector{color}{sector}{radius} \newcommand{\sector}[3]{ \filldraw[#1, wired] (0, 0) -- ({18 * #2} : #3) arc ({18 * #2} : {18 * (#2 + 1)} : #3) -- cycle; } \begin{document} % 81 degrees = 4.5 sectors. % The rotation leaves 20 at the top. \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=81, scale=.14] % These are the official dartboard dimensions as per BDO's regulations. % The whole board's background. \fill[black] (0, 0) circle (225.5mm); % Even sections. \foreach\i in {0,2,...,18} { \sector{black}{\i}{162mm} \strip{Red}{\i}{170mm}{162mm} % Double strip. \strip{Red}{\i}{107mm}{ 99mm} % Treble strip. } % Odd sections. \foreach\i in {1,3,...,19} { \sector{white}{\i}{162mm} \strip{Green}{\i}{170mm}{162mm} % Double strip. \strip{Green}{\i}{107mm}{ 99mm} % Treble strip. } % Bull's ring and eye. \filldraw[Green, wired] (0, 0) circle (15.9mm); \filldraw[Red, wired] (0, 0) circle (6.35mm); % Labels. \foreach \sector/\label in {% 0/20, 1/ 1, 2/18, 3/ 4, 4/13, 5/ 6, 6/10, 7/15, 8/ 2, 9/17, 10/ 3, 11/19, 12/ 7, 13/16, 14/ 8, 15/11, 16/14, 17/ 9, 18/12, 19/ 5}% { \node[number] at ({18 * (-\sector + .5)} : 197.75mm) {\label}; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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