Power electronics – The schematic diagram of a solar system connected to the grid


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% Power electronics---the schematic diagram of a solar system connected to the grid.
% Author: Ali Mehrizi-Sani


\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=0.8pt,line cap=round,line join=round]



    \coordinate (SolarCellP) at (0.5,0);
    \coordinate (ChopperP) at (4,0);
    \coordinate (InverterP) at (8,0);

    % Place blocks
    \begin{scope}[every node/.style={draw,ultra thick, fill=AleeRed!30, rectangle,text width=1.5cm, minimum height=2cm, text badly centered}]
        \node[name=pv,pattern=grid,pattern color=AleeRed!30] at (SolarCellP) {\bfseries Solar Panel};
        \node[name=chopper] at (ChopperP) {DC-DC};
        \node[name=inverter] at (InverterP) {DC-AC};

    % PV to chopper
        (pv.30) -- (chopper.150)
        (pv.330) -- (chopper.210)
    % DC link and cap
        (chopper.30) -- (inverter.150)
        (chopper.330) -- (inverter.210)
        ($(chopper.330)!0.4!(inverter.210)$) to[battery, l=\SI{60}{\volt}, mirror] ($(chopper.30)!0.4!(inverter.150)$)
    % AC side
        to[short] ++(1,0)
        to[L] ++(1.1,0)
        to[R] ++(1.1,0)
        to[short] ++(1,0) coordinate(N1)
        to[L, bipoles/length=0.8cm] ++(0,-1)
        |- (inverter.330)
        % ------------------------ Secondary side
        (N1)++(0.5,0) coordinate (N2)
            to[open] ($(N2)+(0,-1)$)
            to[L, bipoles/length=0.8cm] (N2)
            to[short] ++(1,0)
            to[sV, l=$230\measuredangle 0^\circ$] ++(0,-1)
            to[short] ++(-1,0)


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