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% A Christmas tree % By Mikko Heiskanen, 24.12.2011 % http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/39235/ \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{scopes,svg.path,shapes.geometric,shadows} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ mystar/.style={star, minimum size=2cm, star point ratio=2.5, shade, thick, line join=round, color=yellow!80!black, draw=red!20!black, top color=yellow!80!white, bottom color=yellow!60!black}, mytree/.style={scale=0.5, rotate=180, draw=green!60!black, thick, line join=round, inner color=green!60!yellow, outer color=green!50!black}, myball/.style={shade, ball color=#1, circular drop shadow={ shadow xshift=0pt, shadow yshift=-.5ex, fill=green!40!black}} ] {[mytree] \shadedraw svg "M355,430 q90,10 105,-85 30,0 50,-30 20,30 50,30 50,-20 100,0 10,88 105,85 -45,90 -205,25 Q400,520 355,430"; \shadedraw svg "M380,325 q83,10 105,-80 25,0 35,-30 20,25 40,30 20,-10 35,-25 20,20 40,25 25,90 105,82 -15,50 -120,15 -30,-2 -60,12 -30,0 -52,-28 C490,370 380,360 380,325"; \shadedraw svg "M435,225 q65,-8 90,-70 35,40 70,0 25,60 90,70 -30,52 -90,5 -36,48 -73,-3 C520,254 445,265 435,225"; \shadedraw svg "M470,139 q50,5 90,-80 50,90 90,80 -30,30 -50,20 -40,45 -78,0 Q500,170 470,139"; } %\shadedraw svg[scale=0.5,rotate=180] %"M460,532 q50,-8 q77,-45 v-20 a20,13 0 1 1 48,0 v20 q30,40 77,45"; %pgf/tikz doesn't like the arc operation, as stated in manual \node[mystar] at (-9.85,-1) {$\lambda$}; \shade[myball=blue] (-9.7,-2.2) circle (.2cm); \shade[myball=red] (-9.2,-3.8) circle (.2cm); \shade[myball=green] (-10.3,-4) circle (.4cm); \shade[myball=yellow] (-8.95,-5.4) circle (.4cm); \shade[myball=red] (-10.7,-6.1) circle (.4cm); \shade[myball=blue] (-10.8,-5) circle (.2cm); \shade[myball=yellow] (-9.5,-6.7) circle (.2cm); \shade[myball=green] (-8.3,-7.6) circle (.4cm); \shade[myball=yellow] (-11.7,-7.6) circle (.4cm); \shade[myball=blue] (-10.5,-7.8) circle (.2cm); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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