One of the nicest things about programming illustrations, is that it's easy to change parameters. In this example I've parameterized a three link manipulator using a macro. I can then draw the manipulator in different positions with just one line of code.

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\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} % Note. This illustration was originally made with PSTricks. Conversion to % PGF/TikZ was straightforward. However, I could probably have made it more % elegant. % Define a variable as a length \newcommand{\nvar}[2]{% \newlength{#1} \setlength{#1}{#2} } % Define a few constants for drawing \nvar{\dg}{0.3cm} \def\dw{0.25}\def\dh{0.5} % Define commands for links, joints and such \def\link{\draw [double distance=1.5mm, very thick] (0,0)--} \def\joint{% \filldraw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (5pt); \fill[black] circle (2pt); } \def\grip{% \draw[ultra thick](0cm,\dg)--(0cm,-\dg); \fill (0cm, 0.5\dg)+(0cm,1.5pt) -- +(0.6\dg,0cm) -- +(0pt,-1.5pt); \fill (0cm, -0.5\dg)+(0cm,1.5pt) -- +(0.6\dg,0cm) -- +(0pt,-1.5pt); } \def\robotbase{% \draw[rounded corners=8pt] (-\dw,-\dh)-- (-\dw, 0) -- (0,\dh)--(\dw,0)--(\dw,-\dh); \draw (-0.5,-\dh)-- (0.5,-\dh); \fill[pattern=north east lines] (-0.5,-1) rectangle (0.5,-\dh); } % This macro draws a three link manipulator. % Input parameters: % #1 theta_1 % #2 L_1 % #3 theta_2 % #4 L_2 % #5 theta_3 % #6 L_3 % % Example: % \threelink{60}{2}{-70}{2}{30}{1} \newcommand{\threelink}[6]{% \robotbase \link(#1:#2); \joint \begin{scope}[shift=(#1:#2), rotate=#1] \link(#3:#4); \joint \begin{scope}[shift=(#3:#4), rotate=#3] \link(#5:#6); \joint \begin{scope}[shift=(#5:#6), rotate=#5] \grip \end{scope} \end{scope} \end{scope} } \begin{tikzpicture} \threelink{60}{2}{-90}{2}{-60}{1} \begin{scope}[xshift=4cm] \threelink{60}{2}{-110}{2}{90}{1} \end{scope} \begin{scope}[shift={(2cm, -3.2cm)}] % Illustration of two different solutions to the inverse kinematic % problem. \begin{scope}[dashed] \threelink{-10}{2}{70}{2}{-40}{1} \end{scope} \threelink{60}{2}{-70}{2}{30}{1} \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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