The circuitikz package provides macros for typesetting electrical and electronical networks. Here it's used to draw a 4-bit counter circuit. It's a synchronous counter, i.e. the circuit is synchronized by a clock signal. The counter is built using JK-flip-flops. A flip-flop is is a circuit with two stable states, useful for storing state information.

Edit and compile if you like:
% Synchronous 4-bit counter circuit using JK-flip-flops % Author: Henri Menke \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{10pt}% \usetikzlibrary{calc,arrows} \usepackage[european]{circuitikz} \begin{document} \def\JKFF(#1)#2#3{% \begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}] \draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \draw (0.5,1) -- (0.5,0); \draw (0.5,0.5) -- (1,0.5); \node at (0.75,0.75) {$Q$}; \node at (0.75,0.25) {$\bar{Q}$}; \draw (1,0.8) -- +(0.25,0) coordinate (#2 Q); \draw (0,0.2) node[right] {$K$} -- +(-0.25,0) coordinate (#2 K); \draw (0,0.5) node[right] {$T$} -- +(-0.25,0) coordinate (#2 T); \draw (0,0.8) node[right] {$J$} -- +(-0.25,0) coordinate (#2 J); \end{scope} } \begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={},>=triangle 45] % Place the JK-Flip-Flops \JKFF(0,0){a}{$Q_0$} \JKFF(2,0){b}{$Q_1$} \JKFF(5.5,0){c}{$Q_2$} \JKFF(9,0){d}{$Q_3$} % Connect all the K and J ports \draw (a K) to[short,-*] (a J); \draw (b K) to[short,-*] (b J); \draw (c K) to[short,-*] (c J); \draw (d K) to[short,-*] (d J); % Connect the T ports to the incoming signal \draw (-1,-1) node[ocirc,label={left:$E$}] (E) {}; \draw (a T) -- ++(-0.2,0) coordinate (inter) -| (E -| inter) node[circ] {}; \draw (b T) -- ++(-0.2,0) coordinate (inter) -| (E -| inter) node[circ] {}; \draw (c T) -- ++(-0.2,0) coordinate (inter) -| (E -| inter) node[circ] {}; \draw (d T) -- ++(-0.2,0) coordinate (inter) -| (E -| inter) node[circ] {} -- (E); % Place the bits and the + \draw[->] (a J) -- ++(0,1) node[left] {$+$}; \draw (a Q) to[short] ++(0,2) node[ocirc,label={left:Bit 0}] (bit0) {}; \draw (b Q) to[short] ++(0,2) node[ocirc,label={left:Bit 1}] (bit1) {}; \draw (c Q) to[short] ++(0,2) node[ocirc,label={left:Bit 2}] (bit2) {}; \draw (d Q) to[short] ++(0,2) node[ocirc,label={left:Bit 3}] (bit3) {}; % AND ports \draw (c J) |- ++(-0.2,0.5) node[and port] (c and) {}; \draw (d J) |- ++(-0.2,1.5) node[and port] (d and) {}; % Output connections \draw (b J) to[short,-*] (a Q); \draw (c 2) to[short,-*] (c 2 -| bit1); \draw (c 1) to[short,-*] (c 1 -| bit0); \draw (d 2) to[short,-*] (d 2 -| bit2); \draw (d 1) to[short,-*] (d 1 -| bit0); % I had to guess this connection, because the and port doesn't % have additional anchors \draw ($(d 2)!0.5!(d 1)+(0.4,0)$) coordinate (help) to[short,-*] (help -| bit1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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