Generalized diagram of different components inside an AC drive with voltage intermediate circuit

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% Generalized diagram of different components inside an AC drive % with voltage intermediate circuit % Author: Erno Pentzin (2013) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{10pt}% \usepackage[europeanresistors,americaninductors]{circuitikz} \usetikzlibrary{chains} \renewcommand*{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ start chain=going right, box/.style={ on chain,join,draw, minimum height=3cm, text centered, minimum width=2cm, }, every join/.style={ultra thick}, node distance=5mm ] \node [on chain] {AC in}; % Chain starts here \node [box,xshift=5mm,label=above:Rectifier] (rec) { \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) to[Do] (0,2); \end{circuitikz} }; \node [on chain,join,draw, text width=1cm, minimum width=4cm, minimum height=1.6cm, label=above:Intermediate circuit, ] (ic) { \begin{circuitikz}[american voltages] \draw (0,0) to[pC,v>=$ $] (0,2); \end{circuitikz} }; \node [box,label=above:Inverter] (inv) { \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nigbt] {}; \end{circuitikz} }; \node [on chain,join,xshift=5mm]{AC out}; % Chain ends here % CU box \node [ rectangle,draw, below=5mm of ic, minimum width=10cm, minimum height=1cm, ] (cu) {\textbf{Control unit}}; % PU box \node [ rectangle,draw, above=2mm of cu, minimum width=10cm, minimum height=4cm, label=\textbf{Power unit}, ] (pu) {}; % Connections between CU and PU \draw[<->] (rec.south) -- ++(0,-5mm); \draw[<->] (cu.north) to (ic.south); \draw[<->] (inv.south) -- ++(0,-5mm); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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