This page aggregates blog entries by people who are writing about TeX and related topics.
I haven’t blogged for a while. I owe you an apology and an explanation, so here goes… Why I’m not blogging I’ve been reflecting a lot over the last few years on why I don’t really blog anymore. I think part of it is that when I was still actively maintaining the blog, I was creating teaching content but wasn’t really teaching much in comparison. Now, with the increased amount of teaching I do, it has kind of replaced my blogging, which is sad. But I also didn’t initially know what to do about it – or maybe it just wasn’t the right time. I keep thinking about the many concepts I teach each semester that would make great blog posts and about how I should put them out there. Given that I have all those teaching materials, it would be easy to distill some of it into a blog post, yet I find that I simply don’t. Don’t getread more About the Radio Silence
TUGboat volume 45, number 1, has been mailed to TUG members. It is also available online and from the TUG store. In addition, prior TUGboat issue 44:3 is now publicly available. The next issue will be the TUG'24 proceedings; the deadline for papers to be included there is July 28, 2024. Submissions for the next regular issue are also welcome and encouraged; that deadline is October 4, 2024. Finally, please consider joining or renewing your TUG membership if you haven't already (we'll send this issue immediately), and thanks.
The call for papers for TUG'24 has been extended to June 1, as long as there is space in the schedule: cfp info (any TeX- or typography-related topic is welcome. The bursary (financial assistance) deadline is also extended, to May 1: bursary info. Here is the rest of the conference information: TUG'24 conference will take place in Prague, Czechia, from July 19-21, 2024 (Friday-Sunday), with a LaTeX developers' workshop on Thursday July 18. The conference will be held at the Hotel Grandior in the Prague city center, with additional accommodations at two other neighboring hotels. We have posted the registration form and travel and visitor information. Hotel reservations should be made as soon as possible. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Die zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Ausgabe des LaTeX Cookbook ist diesen Monat, März 2024, in englischer Sprache erschienen. Die erste Ausgabe, veröffentlicht in 2015, wurde überarbeitet und die Code-Beispiele wurden aktualisiert, um mit den neuesten Klassen und Paketen von LaTeX … Weiterlesen →
The TUG'24 conference will take place in Prague, Czechia, from July 19-21, 2024 (Friday-Sunday), with a LaTeX developers' workshop on Thursday July 18. The conference will be held at the Hotel Grandior in the Prague city center, with additional accommodations at two other neighboring hotels. We have posted the registration form and call for presentation proposals (any TeX- or typography-related topic is welcome) and travel and visitor information. Hotel reservations at our group rate can be made any time, the earlier the better. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
In Pre-Print meines neuen TikZ-Artikels hatte ich den Folgeteil versprochen, der ist jetzt auch soweit gediegen, dass ich ihn präsentieren kann. Uwe-TikZ_II (PDF) Uwe-TikZ_II (LaTeX) UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local […]
Für die DTK habe ich einen neuen Artikel zum Thema TikZ geschrieben, hier das Pre-Print PDF und der LaTeX-Quelltext. Ein Folgeartikel ist bereits in der Entstehung. Uwe-TikZ (PDF) Uwe-TikZ (Quellcode) UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a […]
Hier die Darstellung einer ADSR Hüllkurve (Quelle: Wikipedia) mit TikZ: \begin{tikzpicture} %\draw[step=0.5cm,lightgray,thin] (0,0) grid (10,7); \draw[very thick, black,->](1,1) -- (9.5,1); \draw[very thick, black,->](1,1) -- (1,6.5); \draw[very thick, green,](3,1) -- (3,6); \draw[very thick, orange,](5,1) -- (5,6); \draw[very thick, black](7,1) -- (7,6); \draw[very thick, magenta](9,1) -- (9,6); \draw[very thick, gray,](1,1) -- (3,5.5) -- (5,4) -- (7,4)--(9,1); % […]
Es gibt ein neues Paket auf CTAN, thematicpuzzle. Damit gehen dann TikZ-basiert Dinge wie die folgenden (der Anleitung entnommen): UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on […]
Unter ist jetzt das geschnittene Video meines Vortrags zur „Formularerstellung mit eforms“ online. UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate can be […]
Mi dem pylualatex Paket gibt es eine neue Möglichkeit, Python und LaTeX miteinander zu „verheiraten“. Das Besondere an diesem Paket ist, dass es keine zwei Durchläufe benötigt, sondern nur einen einzigen. %!TEX TS-program = Arara % arara: lualatex: {shell: yes} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[executable=python.exe,localimports=false]{pyluatex} \begin{document} \py{2**2**2} \end{document} UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do […]
So setzt man den TeX Live mirror auf einen der zentralen Server: tlmgr option repository UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate […]
Two weeks ago, a friend from Polish TeX Users’ Group mailing list asked about an Emacs tool to replace control sequences with their Unicode counterparts. I also have this need from time to time, and I usually go with the TeX input method. He is not satisfied with it, though, because it replaces too much for him – for instance, he doesn’t want a_1 to get translated to a₁. He remembered some utility (written by another Polish TeX user) which replaces a TeX sequence with a Unicode equivalent, but only on demand. Since that one seems to be lost in the depths of time, he was left without a solution.
TUGboat volume 44, number 3, has been mailed to TUG members. It is also available online and from the TUG store. In addition, prior TUGboat issue 44:2 is now publicly available. Submissions for the next regular issue are also welcome and encouraged; that deadline is March 24, 2024. Finally, please consider joining or renewing your TUG membership if you haven't already (we'll send this issue immediately), and thanks.
Annual cuti-cuti Malaysia calendar! This year I’ve made quite a lot of updates to the underlying code for cdcalendar; the documentation has been shaken up quite a bit too. The Cuti-cuti Malaysia 2024 calendar LaTeX files is available as an Overleaf read-only project here. By default, this generates an A4 landscape calendar that highlights national […]
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