This page aggregates blog entries by people who are writing about TeX and related topics.
TUGboat volume 45, number 2, the proceedings of the TUG'24 conference, has been mailed to TUG members. It is also available online and from the TUG store. In addition, prior TUGboat issue 45:1 is now publicly available. Submissions for the next regular issue are welcome and appreciated; the deadline is October 4, 2024. Finally, please consider joining or renewing your TUG membership if you haven't already (we'll immediately send both issues so far for this year), and thanks.
The LaTeX Project have been working for about 4 years now on creation of automatically tagged PDFs from (more-or-less) unmodified LaTeX documents. We’ve been reporting regularly in LaTeX News, and things are moving forward nicely. We (Frank, Ulrike and I) went to the recent DocEng 2024 conference in San José. Ulrike presented a workshop showing what is doable right now with the updated code. At present, this is still an opt-in testphase, but most of the time \DocumentMetadata{testphase = {phase-III,firstaid,math,table,title}} is enough to use it. As you can probably tell, this uses the current (phase III) code plus add-ons for maths, tables and titles: that is all a bit more experimental but is worth exploring. We are building up an idea of which packages and classes work out-of-the-box with the latest code: you can view the current list online. It’s amazing how many packages already work, but of course there is work to do. I’ve got some adjustments to make for siunitx, but as the tagging structures are still not finalised, I’m waiting a bit. We also need to look at performance: tagging takes time, but when we make it opt-out we need it to be as fast as possible. ...
In an earlier post, I described the considerations that go into creating a training dataset for Computer Vision, including howread more How to create your own fine-tuning or training dataset for computer vision using Supervisely
In 2017, I had an internship at the German Historical Institute in Paris, where my task was to annotate around 1,200 regests. My job was to get them from source data in a Word document to TEI-XML in the end, but the project requirement was to keep everything in Word as long as possible. So, the annotations had to be done using Formatvorlagen (which I believe is called ‘macros’ or ‘stylesheets’ in English). In this post, I want to reflect on what helped me finish the annotation in three weeks (when previous estimates were that it would take about a year). Even if your project is different from this setup, these learnings may help you make your own annotation projects more efficient. Back then, I wrote a tutorial for people in the project who might want to continue my approach after I was gone. It’s in German but you can use LLMs to translate it for you if you’re more How to annotate fast
(Reader, this is going to be a long, ranty, rambling piece; I apologise beforehand.) There are LaTeX packages for typesetting all kinds of things. And sometimes, there are more than one LaTeX packages that can do (almost) the same thing — but are not compatible with each other so you often cannot load them at the same […]
The regular talks for the TUG'24 conference will start Friday July 19, just before 09:00 CEST (Prague time). The conference will be streamed live on YouTube. The conference is streamed at no charge and no online registration is necessary; donations are greatly appreciated to help defray the cost. The full conference program is available. Hope everyone enjoys!
Writing abstracts and conference submissions is a key element of academic life, yet, I find that there often is little guidance for those new to the activity. There are many things to know that will (in my experience) drastically increase your chances of getting accepted. Acting as a reviewer teaches you a lot about becoming a better writer, just like evaluating applications teaches you how to write good applications. However, only very few young academics actually get the opportunity to see the other side of the process. Usually, evaluation work is dominated by more senior academics, leaving newcomers dependent on their guidance, support, and mentorship. But not everybody has equal access to dedicated mentors with enough time on their hands to help teach you these basics effectively. It’s a flaw in our academic system that we invest so little time and energy in training but it’s not the individuals’ fault – the system simply doesn’t value activities that don’t resultread more How to write a (Digital Humanities) abstract? Lessons Learned from Reviewing
I haven’t blogged for a while. I owe you an apology and an explanation, so here goes… Why I’m not blogging I’ve been reflecting a lot over the last few years on why I don’t really blog anymore. I think part of it is that when I was still actively maintaining the blog, I was creating teaching content but wasn’t really teaching much in comparison. Now, with the increased amount of teaching I do, it has kind of replaced my blogging, which is sad. But I also didn’t initially know what to do about it – or maybe it just wasn’t the right time. I keep thinking about the many concepts I teach each semester that would make great blog posts and about how I should put them out there. Given that I have all those teaching materials, it would be easy to distill some of it into a blog post, yet I find that I simply don’t. Don’t getread more About the Radio Silence
TUGboat volume 45, number 1, has been mailed to TUG members. It is also available online and from the TUG store. In addition, prior TUGboat issue 44:3 is now publicly available. The next issue will be the TUG'24 proceedings; the deadline for papers to be included there is July 28, 2024. Submissions for the next regular issue are also welcome and encouraged; that deadline is October 4, 2024. Finally, please consider joining or renewing your TUG membership if you haven't already (we'll send this issue immediately), and thanks.
The call for papers for TUG'24 has been extended to June 1, as long as there is space in the schedule: cfp info (any TeX- or typography-related topic is welcome. The bursary (financial assistance) deadline is also extended, to May 1: bursary info. Here is the rest of the conference information: TUG'24 conference will take place in Prague, Czechia, from July 19-21, 2024 (Friday-Sunday), with a LaTeX developers' workshop on Thursday July 18. The conference will be held at the Hotel Grandior in the Prague city center, with additional accommodations at two other neighboring hotels. We have posted the registration form and travel and visitor information. Hotel reservations should be made as soon as possible. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Die zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Ausgabe des LaTeX Cookbook ist diesen Monat, März 2024, in englischer Sprache erschienen. Die erste Ausgabe, veröffentlicht in 2015, wurde überarbeitet und die Code-Beispiele wurden aktualisiert, um mit den neuesten Klassen und Paketen von LaTeX … Weiterlesen →
The TUG'24 conference will take place in Prague, Czechia, from July 19-21, 2024 (Friday-Sunday), with a LaTeX developers' workshop on Thursday July 18. The conference will be held at the Hotel Grandior in the Prague city center, with additional accommodations at two other neighboring hotels. We have posted the registration form and call for presentation proposals (any TeX- or typography-related topic is welcome) and travel and visitor information. Hotel reservations at our group rate can be made any time, the earlier the better. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
In Pre-Print meines neuen TikZ-Artikels hatte ich den Folgeteil versprochen, der ist jetzt auch soweit gediegen, dass ich ihn präsentieren kann. Uwe-TikZ_II (PDF) Uwe-TikZ_II (LaTeX) UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local […]
Für die DTK habe ich einen neuen Artikel zum Thema TikZ geschrieben, hier das Pre-Print PDF und der LaTeX-Quelltext. Ein Folgeartikel ist bereits in der Entstehung. Uwe-TikZ (PDF) Uwe-TikZ (Quellcode) UweUwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a […]
Hier die Darstellung einer ADSR Hüllkurve (Quelle: Wikipedia) mit TikZ: \begin{tikzpicture} %\draw[step=0.5cm,lightgray,thin] (0,0) grid (10,7); \draw[very thick, black,->](1,1) -- (9.5,1); \draw[very thick, black,->](1,1) -- (1,6.5); \draw[very thick, green,](3,1) -- (3,6); \draw[very thick, orange,](5,1) -- (5,6); \draw[very thick, black](7,1) -- (7,6); \draw[very thick, magenta](9,1) -- (9,6); \draw[very thick, gray,](1,1) -- (3,5.5) -- (5,4) -- (7,4)--(9,1); % […]
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